Personal Data Protection Policy

The Narralive team (hereinafter: Team) consists of people who are active in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as in the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center. The team «Narralive» considers the security of personal data as a high priority. For this reason, this Privacy Policy is in place and recognizes the right to the protection of personal data and ensures the application of the current legal framework.

Briefly, you must be aware that your personal data is collected and maintained by the Team for a certain period of time and for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Personal data shall be treated fairly and in a transparent manner in accordance with the applicable legal framework and in such a way as to guarantee their security.

Data Controller 

The data controller for the purpose of the operation of this website is Yannis Ioannidis, Professor of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and President of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center.

The Team may modify this policy to achieve a better protection of personal data by announcing any such modification through its website.

By navigating and using this Website visitors / users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted this Privacy Policy.

For any further explanation, you may contact the Team by sending an e-mail to:

Personal Data

“Personal” data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”), like name, email, ΤΙΝ etc. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier (ΙΡ address, e-mail etc.) or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. This Policy does not cover the processing of personal data which concerns statistical information that cannot cover an identified or identifiable natural person as well as legal persons and in particular undertakings established as legal persons, including the name and the form of the legal person and the contact details of the legal person.

Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Personal Data Collected

  1. We collect personal data only when you wish to contact our Team via our contact form or by email and in order to serve the purpose of communication. Personal data are kept as needed to fulfill the purpose of your communication.
  1. During your visit at our website, certain information may be automatically collected, such as the IP address of your computer, but they do not reveal identifiable elements of your physical identity, but they are used solely for statistical reasons for traffic to our web presentation.
  1. In addition, cookies are collected and processed at the time of entry.

Social Networking Platforms

The Team has created and maintains pages on social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The personal data that may be sent to us through our pages is covered by the terms of the relevant platforms and the Team uses these data only for the needs of communicating with you and for your better service. For more information about the purposes of collecting and further processing and using personal data from social networking platforms and about the rights and arrangements available to protect your privacy and personal data, please consult the privacy policy of the particular social networking platform.

What are the legitimate reasons for processing your personal data?

The legal basis for processing your personal data is the consent upon the visit of this Website in relation to the personal data collected from cookies, your consent to the data you give us by yourself through the forms of the website and / or by e-mail and the legitimate interest of the Team, in relation to all other data collected during the simple visit of the website. The Team collects and processes the personal data of visitors and users only in the fulfillment of its purposes and more precisely in order to serve the communication with you and to provide quality services. No further processing, promotion or exchange is made on personal data without your prior consent.

Recipients of the data

The personal data of the visitors and users of our Website are not passed on to third party recipients. They are processed only by the authorized representatives of the Team to communicate with you. The Team will not make available for sale or transmission or disclosure personal information of visitors and users of the Website to third parties which are not related to it without their consent, with the exception of the application of relevant legal provisions and to the competent authorities only.

Time of data retention

Any personal information gathered, regarding the visitors to this website, are kept only for a certain period of time for the provision of the relevant services in compliance with the law obligations and according to your consent and then deleted.

Data Security

To protect the privacy of visitors and users of our website we use data security measures to prevent the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access and disclosure of your personal information. Access to your personal data is restricted to authorized representatives of the Team, who have a duty of confidentiality.

Your rights

As far as the protection of your personal data is concerned, you have the following rights:

    the right of access to your personal data

    the right of correction of your personal data

    the right of remission of your personal data

    the right to limit processing of your personal data

    the right of portability of your personal data

    the right to object to the processing of your personal data

To exercise your rights or to be informed about them, you can send us an email to:

Right of termination

If any user considers that the protection of their personal data is in any way affected, they may appeal to the Personal Data Protection Authority, at the postal address of the Personal Data Protection Authority, Offices: 1-3 Kifissias Str. 115 23, Athens, tel. +30 210 6475600, fax +30 210 6475628, e-mail

Cookies Policy

During users’ navigation on this website, the Team may collect identification data of users, by using cookies. Cookies are short software code texts, which are sent from the Team server and are stored at your terminal (“browser”). Their basic function is to communicate to us data from your browser. Cookies are either “Temporary” (session cookies) or persistent. Temporary cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored in your terminal until they expire.

The use of cookies helps the website to remember information about the user’s visit, such as your preferred language and your preferences, to make secure searches, to calculate the number of visitors, or to facilitate your registration in our services. Cookies do not have access to data on your hard disk or cookies created by other sites and do not damage your system. You may control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You may find more details at You may delete all cookies from your computer and, in most browsers, select settings that do not allow installation of cookies. However, in that case, you may have to adjust certain preferences every time you visit a website. Users may make use of the website without problems even without use of cookies, but, potentially, to the detriment of its user-friendliness and of the functioning of certain of its services.

Terms of Use

Intellectual Property Rights

All contents of the Team’s website, unless explicitly excluded (copyright of third parties), which – indicatively – include texts, graphics, images, photos, drawings, videos, sounds, etc. (hereinafter the content) constitute copyright of the Team and is protected by applicable national, Community and international law. The Team retains all copyrights regarding the content and the copies created under it.

The content of the website is available to its visitors / users for personal use. The content is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Team. Non-commercial use and reproduction are permitted, in whole or in part, provided that the reproduced product is then freely available on the Internet or other suitable medium and is accompanied by a clear and distinct reference to its source of origin. Any other use requires the express written permission of the copyright οwner or copyright holder. The products or services that refer to the webpages of this Website and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner organizations, associations or publications, constitute intellectual and industrial property of these bodies that are liable in this respect. For any questions regarding the reproduction rights of any part of the content of this Website, as well as for approval requests, you can send us an email to

Limitation of the Team’s Liability

The content of the Website is available as it stands and the Team does not provide any warranty, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, commerciality, non-violation or appropriateness of this content for any use, application or purpose.

The Team shall in no event -including negligence- be held liable for any damage caused to the visitor/user of the webpages, services, options and content of this Website which undertakes on its own initiative and with the knowledge of these terms. In addition, the Team does not warrant that the webpages, services, options and content of this Website shall be provided without interruptions and without errors, that the errors shall be corrected or that all questions asked will be answered. The Team does not warrant that this website or any other related website or servers through which content is made available to visitors/users are provided free of viruses or other harmful components. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and in no case by the Team.

Use of Third-Party Websites (links)

This website provides access to third parties’ web pages through links. These links have been placed exclusively for the convenience of visitors / users of our Website and the web pages to which they refer are subject to the terms of use specified on them. The placement of the links is not an indication of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the Team, which bears no responsibility for their content or their privacy policy or the accuracy of the material contained in them.