
Story Maker

Story Maker is an authoring tool for interactive storytelling experiences. It supports the complete creation workflow, from the first drafts of an idea to the final experience production for the end users. These experiences are accessible through the Mobile Experiencing App or the Web Experiencing App.

Interactive stories are the ones that enable their readers to change the way the narrative unfolds, based on their choices and actions. In our case, authors can use the Story Maker not only to write stories, but also to enhance them with digital assets (images, audio, video, etc.) and bring them to life through the narralive’s experiencing apps.

Writing interactive stories

Using an enhanced text editor, authors write their interactive stories with a combination of standard text decoration tools and custom declarations that enable the creation of branching narratives

A graph view gives a bird’s eye view of the branching narrative and enables authors to examine their creations in more detail

Producing experiences

Using the storyboard paradigm, authors add digital assets to produce the screens for their experiences

Authors build experiencing screens through adjustable templates

Available templates

A lot of screen templates are provided and even more are added as we gather feedback from our partners. Some of the most popular ones are the very simple video template, as well as the conversation and the question templates.

The conversation template supports the presentation of a conversation among story characters

The conversation template supports the presentation of a conversation among story characters

The question template enables users to give their own input (e.g. to provide feedback)

The video template creates an experiencing screen that presents a video

The video template creates an experiencing screen that presents a video

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