
Place Maker

Place Maker facilitates the creation of virtual representations of physical spaces and it does this through a very simple and straightforward user interface. It uses 360° panoramic photographs to enable the authoring of virtual tours in museums, cultural heritage sites, or any other physical space. The result can be combined with interactive storytelling experiences made by the Story Maker and is presented through the Web Experiencing App. Place Maker is a web based tool and can be accessed through any modern web browser.

Create a virtual space

Using a floorplan of the physical space, authors add viewpoints where the 360° panoramas will be placed

Editing a 360° panorama viewpoint, allows the addition of hotspots that act as interaction points for the virtual visitor (e.g. to change viewpoint)

Add hotspots

Hotspots can also be triggers to close-up views of the exhibits

Close-up views are also viewpoints that can have titles and descriptions that will be visible to the virtual visitor

More detailed descriptions of exhibits can be created through the addition of hotspots on the close-up view

Preview your work

The preview functionality gives the authors a glimpse of the work they have done so far.